


Adobe Illustrator is the industry standard design app that lets you capture your creative vision with shapes, color, effects, and typography. Work across desktop and mobile devices and quickly create beautiful designs that can go anywhere—print, web and apps, video and animations, and more.

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Volunteering gives people the tools they need to be happier, healthier, and well-rounded individuals. It also keeps us young. While everyone benefits from a little boost in physical health, long-term volunteers have longer lives, less disease, and better overall health.


Working Proccess

Software development refers to a set of computer science activities dedicated to the process of creating, designing, deploying and supporting software. Software itself is the set of instructions or programs that tell a computer what to do. It is independent of hardware and makes computers programmable.

Adobe Illustrator is a professional vector-based design and drawing program. Used as part of a larger design workflow, Illustrator allows for the creation of everything from single design elements to entire compositions. Designers use Illustrator to create posters, symbols, logos, patterns, icons, etc.

1. Creative and imaginative with an eye for color, balance, and layout.
2. Able to create a drawing that expresses an idea or concept.
3. Excellent at drawing, sketching, and painting skills.
4. Solid on photography skills.
5. Familiar with IT and design software.
6. Great negotiators.

Illustrator is Harder to learn once you have used photoshop for a while. I have been using a little bit more lately and what i do is use each of the tools for a little while just to get a feel for how they work and what they do. There was no Photoshop when I learned Illustrator, made it very easy.

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