Express Js



Express js is a back end web application framework for Node.js, released as free and open-source software under the MIT License. It is designed for building web applications and APIs. It has been called the de facto standard server framework for Node js. Express js is used by Fox Sports, PayPal, Uber and IBM.

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Express is middleware-based : It basically funnels incoming requests through a chain of middlewares where we can do something with the request, read some data from it, manipulate it, check if the user is authenticated or basically send back a response immediately.


Working Process

Express.JS is a free, fast, and lightweight open-source framework that is majorly used for web application development. It is a minimalist and extensible web framework built for the Node.js ecosystem. It provides all the features that are essential in web application without overshadowing the Node.JS features.

An popular architectural style of how to structure and name these APIs and the endpoints is called REST(Representational Transfer State).

The primary use of Express is to provide server-side logic for web and mobile applications, and as such it’s used all over the place.

Express derives various features from Node. js, and one of them is the non-blocking servers that can handle user requests better. As a result, it is easier for developers to create easily scalable web apps. The Express framework is equipped with similar scalability and features as the Nginx and Apache servers.

js is a JavaScript back-end framework that’s designed to develop complete web applications and APIs. Express is the back-end component of the MEAN stack, which also includes MongoDB for the database, AngularJS for the front end and Node. js for the JavaScript runtime environment.

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