Google Optimize



Optimize allows you to test variants of web pages and see how they perform against an objective that you specify. Optimize monitors the results of your experiment and tells you which variant is the leader. Google Optimize is a native Google Optimization Platform, which has direct integration with Google Analytics, and allows you to run AB, multivariate tests, and redirect tests – all based on the previous data collected.

Benefits With Our Service

Google Analytics helps you to determine what makes a good business website for your target audience and industry—not through insight or opinion, but through data. Having a data driven approach eliminates time-consuming guesswork and enables you to learn, decide, and execute more efficiently.


Working Process

Google says they are discontinuing Optimize to better serve customers by investing in solutions that provide more robust A/B testing capabilities. In the announcement, they said that their focus is on providing effective user experience improvement tools through Google Analytics 4 and other integrations

If you simply use a standard installation of Google Optimize then the answer is yes, BUT it won’t be much use to you. If you use a smart loading technique and a special cookie notice, then you can use Google Optimize while remaining 100% cookie law compliant.

Optimizely to be acquired by East Coast company. Optimizely, a homegrown San Francisco company founded by two ex-Google employees and backed by Goldman Sachs, is getting a new owner.

1. Publish Relevant, Authoritative Content.
2. Update Your Content Regularly.
3. Metadata.
4. Have a link-worthy site.
5. Use alt tags.

All communications from your end-users and visitors on Optimizely products are encrypted using industry standard communication encryption technology. Optimizely currently uses Transport Layer Security and updates to cipher suites and configurations as vulnerabilities are discovered.

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